April 28, 2010

The First Mini

Sparkle was my first miniature horse in alot of ways.  She was my first horse as a christmas gift. She was my first horse to give birth to a mule. She was my first horse to choke (and go to the vet on emergency). She was my first horse to have a seizure.  She was my first grey horse.  She was the first horse I put a harness on.  She was my first horse to kick me. Now she is 21 years old and a very special friend.  She is high in the herd. We separate her to feed her and hang out with her at meals. She is groomed and clipped to maintain her beauty.  Saprkle can read my mind and know when I want  her and will come out of the herd to me.  She is much slower now than she used to be.  I think all the years of having babies took a toll on her somewhat. 
In this photo, she is the first horse I went through a hurricane with.  Note the tag in her mane with our contact info. I even shaved our phone number on her body which on a mini took her whole body all the way around. 

Waylon Nelson tales of the Pink Donkey

Waylon is a large Standard Donkey.  He is a beautiful Pink Donkey not a common color bit still an approved Donkey Color.  It's not important where he has been, and there's no way to know.  He didn't have a name and 2 of his feet were in bad shape.  It didn't take him long to warm up to us.  His feet have been trimmed and the damage from white line disease cut away.  Waylon is on the road to recovery.  He is young maybe 1 or 2 and deserved a chance to be healthy and loved. Waylon is friends with every Equine he meets.  He is playful and shy.  We are honored to know him.  The picture above shows what a Donkey's hoof  SHOULD NOT look like! He lost most of the outer wall and it could take up to a year for him to grow a new hoof.  When he's feeling better he will be gelded. Until then lots of love, rest, good nutrition, and hanging out with his Donkey buddies. Get well wishes Waylon Nelson the Pink Donkey.